For thousands of years, shamans (medicine men & women) have healed people and transformed reality with seemingly magical powers that only they were able to access.
Traditionally, indigenous people became shamans in one of three ways:
* Receiving their “knowing” directly from Spirit
*Apprenticing with a master shaman for many years
* Being born into a family of shamans or growing up in a shamanic culture
Within their magical understanding of reality, shaman’s speak of sacred journeys to the Spirit Worlds where they retrieve parts of a person’s soul (or essence) that has been lost. Shamans connect with Spirit Guides for guidance in the use of plants and crystals to heal. Their spirit world journeys (whether through drumming rituals or ingesting plant medicine) are often accompanied by Power Animals who serve as allies and protectors. The shamans then return with knowledge for healing, or about events to come which can then be used for prophesy, or even to alter future circumstances.
Countless stories of amazing, seemingly miraculous healings and events involving shamans are part and parcel of the lore of almost every indigenous culture
In my own shamanic training and practice, I too have encountered magical, miraculous and wondrous healing experiences in the realms beyond the three dimensional universe we all perceive as real. However, much of what I experienced in sacred journeys always seemed shrouded in mystery. “How and why did the magic occur?” and “Was it really real?” were questions often asked.

From this scientific validation of ancient understanding, there is emerging within the field of vibrational (or energy) medicine, powerful healing modalities that directly “connect” practitioners with this “field” and allow instantaneous healings to occur.
What seemed miraculous, and only within the capabilities of highly skilled and powerful shamans in times past, can now be done by ordinary people.
This new “scientific” understanding in no way negates shamanism or the value of learning traditional shamanic healing practices. It only validates and helps to explain how shamans have been able to serve their communities so effectively for centuries.
In my own counseling and healing work I use both traditional shamanic and modern quantum approaches to healing as needed. One is not superior to the other. Rather,it is more about resonance with the client in meeting whatever challenges are presented.
Robert “Han” Bishop (8-26-11)