* What is the “Sacred Land Ethic” and how does it guide humanity in our present and future existence here on Planet Earth?
* Why is the Greater Yellowstone Park Area the last remaining complete ecosystem in temperate North America and how has it become so fragile?
* How do Grizzly Bears gift humans with the Power of the Present Moment”?
These and other thought provoking ideas about humanity’s relationship to all other living beings and the Earth itself are discussed in my (15 min) “Transforming Reality” Talk Show interview with Leslie Patten.

Leslie Patten is the author of a new and very thought provoking book entitled “The Wild Excellence: Notes from Untamed America”. She has also written several eBooks on gardening, and for six years, an online blogging journal on wildlife issues from her home in the Absaroka Mountains adjacent to Yellowstone National Park. Leslie has worked with land her entire life, and still practices as a professional landscape designer in Marin County, California. She has a degree in horticulture, as well as two years of formal naturalist training. Since moving to Wyoming in 2005, Leslie has worked with wolf, elk, and grizzly bear studies, and the Gloria Climate Change Project, in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. She volunteers at the Buffalo Bill Museum of the West preparing museum quality specimens of birds and mammals. Leslie enjoys hiking with her dog Koda, and exploring the Greater Yellowstone Area.
Thank you for listening - Please enjoy and learn from this show
To learn more about Leslie Patten - See her Facebook page “The Wild Excellence” or read her blog “The Human Footprint” on WordPress.
Leslie’s book “The Wild Excellence: Notes from Untamed America” (2014) can be ordered on Amazon.com using our TR Talk Show Associate link http://amzn.to/1BBKRpp
If you would like to be added to our TR Radio mailing list, please send an e-mail to: atrradio@gmail.com
Robert Han BIshop (1-5-15)
TRANSFORMING REALITY INTERNET TALK SHOW is affiliated with the Institute for Advancement of Humanity which is dedicated to the support and promotion of individuals and organizations working to raise human consciousness in life supporting arenas of endeavor. All interviews (since Nov, 11) are posted at www.transformrealityradio.net and are available for immediate listening on line, or to download in mp3 format. Please enjoy and learn from them
Robert “Han” BIshop, Ph.D. / Producer and Host